Unity | Illustrator: Adding Assets (Sprites, Sounds) to Unity
3 min readAug 19, 2018
The Task: Moving assets into Unity
- Unity — Follow Configuring Unity file
- Adobe Illustrator — License required
Extracting Art Assets from Illustrator File (.ai)
- Open your .ai file with Illustrator
- Select image or multiple images by clicking and dragging mouse
- Right-click selection > select Collect for Export > As Single Asset or As Multiple Assets (depending on number to export)
- Rename assets within the asset export menu
- Select Format (SVG or PNG) based on needs
- Click Export to local folder of your choosing
Moving Art Assets into Unity
- Locate appropriate folder under Project menu: Assets > Resources > Symbols
- If art asset’s category exists (e.g. “one” for Numbers, drag and drop asset from local into folder
- If art asset’s category DOES NOT exist, create a new folder: Right-click parent folder > select Create > select Folder > Name folder appropriately (e.g. “turtle” for Animals)
- The new categorical folder must be reflected in the source code. After importing the asset (Step 1B), open the game’s solution (BubbleGame-Solution.sln) file in your text editor to add the category.
- Expand the .Models project and open the WordCategory.cs file
- Add the new category to the WordCategory class (e.g. Animals)
- Right-click .Services project and click Build (Known issue on Mac: Refer to Configuring Unity document at top)
- The last step is to add the new asset to our master .csv file. Navigate to your project folder and open the file in Excel or your text editor (e.g. /Users/andrewpark/Downloads/Words.csv)
- Add the Category, English word, and Ojibwe word
- Note: Name of the art asset should match the English word in the .csv file