Unity | Illustrator: Adding Assets (Sprites, Sounds) to Unity

Andrew Park
3 min readAug 19, 2018


The Task: Moving assets into Unity


  1. Unity — Follow Configuring Unity file
  2. Adobe Illustrator — License required

Extracting Art Assets from Illustrator File (.ai)

  1. Open your .ai file with Illustrator
  2. Select image or multiple images by clicking and dragging mouse
  1. Right-click selection > select Collect for Export > As Single Asset or As Multiple Assets (depending on number to export)
  1. Rename assets within the asset export menu
  1. Select Format (SVG or PNG) based on needs
  2. Click Export to local folder of your choosing

Moving Art Assets into Unity

  1. Locate appropriate folder under Project menu: Assets > Resources > Symbols
  2. If art asset’s category exists (e.g. “one” for Numbers, drag and drop asset from local into folder
  3. If art asset’s category DOES NOT exist, create a new folder: Right-click parent folder > select Create > select Folder > Name folder appropriately (e.g. “turtle” for Animals)
  1. The new categorical folder must be reflected in the source code. After importing the asset (Step 1B), open the game’s solution (BubbleGame-Solution.sln) file in your text editor to add the category.
  2. Expand the .Models project and open the WordCategory.cs file
  1. Add the new category to the WordCategory class (e.g. Animals)
  2. Right-click .Services project and click Build (Known issue on Mac: Refer to Configuring Unity document at top)
  1. The last step is to add the new asset to our master .csv file. Navigate to your project folder and open the file in Excel or your text editor (e.g. /Users/andrewpark/Downloads/Words.csv)
  2. Add the Category, English word, and Ojibwe word
  3. Note: Name of the art asset should match the English word in the .csv file



Andrew Park
Andrew Park

Written by Andrew Park

Into: Software, E-Commerce, Digital Marketing. Former & future journalist. Kid from Queens.

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